Other testing services issue bunker alerts – does Intertek Lintec?
Like other service providers, Intertek Lintec issues bunker alerts.
These are issued, for example, when a trend of off – specification results from a particular bunker port is identified.
We take the view that this information is the property of Intertek Lintec’s clients and is not the property of Intertek Lintec, consequently Intertek Lintec’s bunker alerts are distributed to Intertek Lintec clients only – they are not issued on a general basis.
Too often, bunker alerts are issued without due caution being exercised.
This can result in the unjustified tarnishing of a particular bunker location, unnecessary (and often expensive) precautions being taken by the ship owner and the dilution of the effect of bunker alerts.
Intertek Lintec takes a cautious view on bunker alerts, and careful consideration is given to whether or not the observed trend can be accounted for by any other reason.
Intertek Lintec takes the view that exercising caution is in the best interest of Intertek Lintec’s clients, the fuel supplier and Intertek Lintec.