High viscosity fuel disputed by supplier
An Intertek ShipCare client vessel bunkered 150MT of IFO-180 fuel in Southern Europe. The supplier was a global oil major. A sample of this fuel was taken using a continuous drip sampler, and couriered to Intertek ShipCare’s UK laboratory for analysis.
Analysis was conducted the same day as the sample was received at the laboratory. The result for Viscosity @ 50oC was found to be 290 cSt. As the maximum limit for this grade of fuel is 180 cSt, Intertek ShipCare contacted the client to advise this, and were informed by the client that the vessel was unable to burn fuel with a viscosity as high as 290 cSt. The client advised Intertek ShipCare that the vessel was able to segregate the fuel for an indefinite period. The client then put the supplier on notice.
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